Scheduling Policies

Scheduled Operating Days

Regularly scheduled operating days are as follows:

  • Saturday and Sunday, March through November of each year
  • Saturday or Sunday, January, February and December.  These are usually alternated.
  • Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day.
  • New Year's Day is scheduled for winch operations

Special situations:

  • From November through March each year members must sign up to fly a club sailplane or add their name to the Aero Tow sign-up list by 7:00 AM on the scheduled day.  If there are no sign-ups by 7:00 AM on scheduled days during this period, a tow pilot may not be available.
  • From May through September each year Friday's will be scheduled. If there are not 3 or more pilots signed up by 7:00 AM on these Friday's, a tow pilot may not be available. G.O.D. credit will not be given for these days and one of the sailplane or tow pilots must complete and mail in the Flight and Transaction Log. 

Sailplanes and Instructors:

Sailplanes are scheduled via the CSA Scheduling page. On current weekend days, call the club directly at 970-568-7627. Make sure you specify whether you need an instructor and the block of time desired. Do not assume anything since scheduling is subject to equipment, instructor, and tow pilot availability. If an instructor is not available on the schedule, you are encouraged to contact one and see if you can make special arrangements.

Sailplanes may be scheduled for a maximum of 2 hours per day per pilot, except:

  • A member may have no more than two reservations on the books at one time.
  • After flying for 2 hours, a member may take advantage of any open time still on the schedule
  • A glider may be scheduled for cross-country flying or a 5-hour duration attempt one day of a weekend, or if by noon it has an open schedule.

You can get scheduling assistance from the Schedule Manager (Aland Adams). You can also log and view Squwaks for each sailplane on the scheduling page.

Tows are on a first "staged" and ready to go, first served basis.

If a member wants to arrange tows during the week, the member must contact a towpilot individually and pay the towpilot the daily fee.

Ground Operations Director (G.O.D.):

All regular and student members are required to schedule and perform three days of  G.O.D. duty on regularly scheduled days each calendar year.  G.O.D. scheduling policies can be found on the G.O.D. page. G.O.D. duty is scheduled via the CSA Scheduling page.

If a day is canceled G.O.D. must still perform daily chores, record aircraft in the hangar and send the daily record to the Treasurer in order to receive credit for the day. If the gliderport is inaccessible due to weather or road conditions, email the Treasurer of that fact and credit will be given.

Towpilot and Instructor Sign-Ups

Towpilots and instructors can sign up for a day via the CSA Scheduling page or through the Towpilot and Instructor scheduler ( ) who can also provide scheduling assistance including username and password for staff scheduling.


Updated 02/26/2025