Instructors and Instructor Membership Information

Instructor Members are members of CSA who provide primary instruction and club checkouts for CSA members.

Other CSA members may also provide primary instruction and club checkouts for CSA members.

CSA requires all Instructors to:

  • complete a membership application and submit a resume and a letter of understanding about committing to the duty requirements before flying with CSA as an instructor. You may submit the resume and letter via e-mail to csa_board at
  • receive board authorization before beginning an instructor checkout. The checkout will be by a CSA board designated examiner. Non-members may not receive nor give flight instruction.
  • be a current CFI-G.
  • pay for their own proficiency flights, except each active Instructor (instructed 10 days in the last 12 months) may take up to three tows (2 x 2,000', 1 x 1,000')  per year at CSA expense for the annual CSA proficiency check or to retain 90-day currency.
  • perform a yearly CSA proficiency check with the CSA Chief Flight Instructor

CSA Instructor Members

In addition to the above Instructor requirements:

  • commit to be at Owl Canyon Gliderport during normal operating hours to give rides and instruction at least 2 days every 4 weeks. Normal operating hours are 9 am to 6 pm weekend days and holidays.
  • join initially as a Regular Member, including payment of the initiation fee. The applicant must maintain the regular membership for a minimum of three months, at which time, he/she can convert to Instructor Member status and is eligible to "fly off the initiation fee" after 6 months satisfactory performance. If the decision to convert to Instructor Member status is not made prior to one year after joining, the initiation fee shall be forfeited by the applicant.

In return for providing this service to CSA:

  • CSA dues are waived.
  • Instructor Members may fly club gliders for their own use under the same terms as Regular members.
  • Instructor Members are not required to be Ground Operations Director.

Payment for Instructor Members and other Members who provide instruction:

  • Instruction
    • Payment for ground and fight instruction given should be pre-aranged and is between the instructor and the student. CSA will not collect instruction fees.
    • The primary instructor will be paid $35 by CSA for each day they show-up where they have scheduled one week in advance.
  • FAST (Fly A Sailplane Today) flights
    • Instructor will be paid $10 by CSA for each FAST flight and each half hour of ground school given.
  • Scenic Rides
    • Instructor will be paid $10 by CSA for each scenic ride given. Scenic rides should be a minimum of 20 minutes. Rides longer than the minimum on a soaring day are encouraged if the schedule permits.
    • Insurance requirements are different for giving rides, so make sure you’re approved for rides in the specific glider.
    • Scenic rides may not be given in Experimental aircraft.
  • Silver and Gold badge element completion
    • An Instructor's tow, up to 2500', will be paid by CSA for any flight where a Soaring Society Of America (SSA) Silver or Gold badge element is completed and approved by the SSA.


  • Instructors are subject to the same damage assessment as other members if they are responsible for damage to club equipment.

Voting Privileges, etc.

  • Instructor Members are not entitled to vote.


Updated 02/28/2025