Ground Operations Director (G. O. D.)
Summary of G.O.D. Duties
Following are the checklists which summarize the G.O.D. duties duriing a day at OCGP. A complete description of G.O.D. duties can be found in the G.O.D. Manual.
Pre-Arrival Checklist
- Check the day’s flight schedule the night before or the morning of your GOD Duty.
- Verify that appropriate instructors/scenic pilots are scheduled if needed.
Arrival Checklist
- Check the Mailbox
- Unlock the facility
- Check answering machine
- Open Flight and Transaction Log
- Connect radio antenna
- Check scheduled pilots against pilot cards
Between Arrival and Departure Duties
- Keep it safe!
- Answer the phone
- Maintain glider schedule
- Identify gliders and pilots (use radio if necessary)
- Record flight information
- Greet visitors and provide information
- Man the radio
- Sign up new members
- Sell gift certificates
- Schedule non-member scenic rides
- Collect money
- Sell supplies and gift certificates
- Assist with aircraft movements/launching as time permits
Departure Checklist
- Was there a corresponding landing for each glider launch? Or have all pilots checked in?
- Obtain copy of tow pilot’s log.
- Complete the Flight and Transaction Log. Verify launches and release altitudes against the tow pilot’s log.
- Total and total number of flights and flight time totals for all CSA gliders.
- Add any notes (supplies needed, unusual events, etc.) to the log.
- Put flight log, tow log, notes and funds in envelope to Treasurer.
- Empty trash.
- Return display case keys to galley.
- Ensure ranges, coffee maker are off.
- Set thermostat to lower limit.
- Turn off lights, fans and heaters, close windows and lock clubhouse doors.
- Walk around; check for running water, etc.
- Secure sliding doors to north hangar.
- Ensure fuel farm is locked.
- Ensure fuel pump shutoff is “Off” (west wall of south hangar).
- Lock south hangar main door.
- Disconnect radio in GOD Office.
- Turn off lights, fans and heaters and close windows in GOD Office.
- Lock all upstairs doors.
- Turn off north and south hangar lights and lock all lower doors.
- Mail GOD data to Treasurer promptly.
Member requirements to perform G.O.D. duties
All regular and student members are required to perform G.O.D. duty on three regularly scheduled days, two of which are in the prime season (April through October), each calendar year. Members who choose not to serve this duty are assessed $100.00 per day missed. Account credit of $50.00 per day is given for days served beyond the three day minimum. While G.O.D. information is required for "pickup" days, no G.O.D. credit is given for those days.
G.O.D. duty is scheduled via the CSA Scheduling page. If you cannot make a scheduled day, you are required to find a replacement. Members should schedule their required days as soon as feasible each year.
Be involved. G.O.D. duty is your opportunity to further your understanding of flying operations and enhance club operations. Suggestions are always welcomed.
Absentia G.O.D. duties
On occasion there is not as G.O.D present when there or operations at Owl Canyon Gliderport. On these occasions the following will apply:
The Tow Pilot will:
- Record flight information for CSA gliders. Landing times for CSA gliders will be recorded when the Tow Pilot is safely parked on the ground and sees that a glider is on the ground. It is the CSA glider pilot's responsibility to provide the Tow pilot with a more accurate flight duration.
- Complete the Flight and Transaction Log. Verify launches and release altitudes against the tow pilot’s log.
- Total and total number of flights and flight time totals for all CSA gliders.
- Put flight log, tow log, notes and funds in envelope to Treasurer.
The last CSA member on the field will:
- Complete the rest of the G.O.D. Departure Checklist
Updated 02/22/2024
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