CSA Flight Rules
Every calendar year, by the end of February and before operating any aircraft at Owl Canyon Gliderport thereafter, every pilot must read and review the CSA Flight Rules and OCGP Field Procedures.
To act as Pilot In Command of a CSA glider, a pilot must have:
- completed the written CSA Annual Quiz covering CSA gliders and OCGP operations.
- The CSA Annual Quiz will include acknowledgement of reading and reviewing the CSA Flight Rules and OCGP Field Procedures in the current calendar year.
- had a CSA proficiency check in the current calendar year.
- The proficiency check will include reviewing the CSA Annual Quiz and at least one flight with a CSA instructor.
- A pilot can act as Pilot in Command of a CSA glider, and CSA instructors can perform proficiency checks, in January, February and December of the previous calendar year, based on a completed proficiency check in the previous calendar year.
- attended or watched a video of the current CSA Safety Meeting within the previous 12 months or received 1 hour of ground instruction on safety-related topics from a CSA instructor.
- had three flights as sole manipulator of the controls in gliders within the preceding 90 days or approval from a CSA instructor.
- received a make and model specific endorsement from a CSA instructor.
Completion of the above requirements (except #4) must be noted on the pilot's CSA Pilot Card by a CSA instructor.
Non-members may not receive instruction in CSA gliders.
A member is responsible for a glider whenever the glider isn’t in the hangar and responsibility hasn’t been accepted by another member. Tying the glider down outside is not sufficient unless someone is responsible for the glider.
Aerobatics are prohibited in CSA gliders, except for the purpose of spin recovery practice. Pilots doing spins without an instructor in a CSA gliders must have received a spin signoff for that glider from a CSA instructor.
Unsafe flying or FAR violations by a club member will be cause for loss of that member’s flying privileges at Owl Canyon Gliderport. Satisfactory completion of a review with a CSA instructor will be required before restoration of flying privileges.
In the event of damage to club equipment, the responsible member will pay up to $1000 for the cost of the repair. The "responsible member" is the operator of the equipment or the pilot in command of the aircraft unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors. So fly safe, trailer safe, and tie it down.
To fly the 1-26, a member must have:
- 3 solo flights in the G-103, SZD 50-3, or equivalent
- received training regarding pitch sensitivity and limited nose up/down range for landing
- a sign-off from a qualified CSA instructor
To fly the LS-4, a member must have:
- 10 flights in the G-103, SZD 50-3 or other non-nose skid glider with an L/D of 30:1 or greater:
- received flight training simulating take offs and landings in the LS-4
- demonstrated 10 low energy landings
- a sign-off from a qualified CSA instructor
To act as PIC, a pilot must have:
- have had at least 10 take offs and landings as sole manipulator of the controls in the G-103, or other glider with an L/D of 30:1 or greater
- a sign-off by a CSA instructor.
SZD 50-3
To act as PIC, a pilot must have:
- have had at least 10 take offs and landings as sole manipulator of the controls in the SZD 50-3, or other glider with an L/D of 30:1 or greater
- a sign-off by a CSA instructor.
Student Pilots
- Once a Student Pilot has been signed off by a CSA Flight Instructor for solo privileges, he/she may solo at Owl Canyon Gliderport on a day when any CSA Flight Instructor is present.
- The Student Pilot and a CSA Flight instructor shall discuss the current conditions and at the instructor's discretion the student may be approved for solo flights on the current day.
- The wind limitations for Student Pilot solo flight are a maximum wind velocity of 15 knots and a maximum cross-wind component of 8 knots.
- The wind limitations for the student can be waived at the discretion of the instructor for the current day.
- It is the Student Pilot's responsibility to ensure that her/his logbook solo endorsement is current within the 90-day requirement.
For the purposes of these rules, "cross-country flight" is defined as any soaring flight beyond gliding distance from the point of departure. In order to fly a CSA glider cross-country, you must have:
- at least 10 flights as sole manipulator of the controls in the ship you intend to fly X-C
- met the requirements for a bronze badge (not necessarily obtained the badge)
- a sign-off by a qualified CSA instructor for cross-country in the glider you intend to fly X-C
- demonstrate the ability to make an off-field landing and
- demonstrate the ability to assemble, disassemble, and trailer the glider
To fly a CSA glider at a site other than Owl Canyon Gliderport, you must either:
- satisfy the requirements for cross-country flight, or
- have received instruction from a CSA instructor on procedures specific to the site
Pilots flying cross-country are expected to have hooked up the appropriate trailer to their retrieve vehicle and have arranged for a retrieve crew before takeoff.
To fly the G-103 cross-country you must have met the requirements for the silver badge in addition to the requirements above.
High Altitude Flying
In order to fly a CSA glider above 18,000 feet, you must have:
- completed the Air Force high-altitude physiological training ("chamber ride")
- had a wave orientation flight with a CSA instructor, and
- a signoff from a CSA instructor for the location you intend to fly
No fiberglass club glider may be flown above 22,000’ MSL, or above 18,000’ MSL for more than one hour.
In order to launch a glider as PIC on the CSA winch:
- have had a winch checkout by a CSA instructor, including training specific to the glider to be flown.
- have had at least 5 aerotows in the glider.
- have read and reviewed the Winch Operations procedures within the last 12 calendar months.
- If you have not had a winch launch within the last 12 calendar months, you must have a winch checkout by a CSA instructor before your next winch launch.
The basic procedure for scheduling a glider is described under Scheduling Policies.
To take a glider to an event away from Owl Canyon Gliderport, request permission from the President or Vice President at least one week in advance. Preference will be given to members who have made the earliest request and have not taken a CSA glider on an outing recently. If you intend to fly as PIC at the outing, you must have a current CSA cross-country endorsement for the sailplane you request.
Each regularly scheduled flying day the glider is absent from the gliderport, a "camp fee" will apply.
Single-place gliders | 3 hr min flight fee |
Two-place gliders | 4 hr min flight fee |
If the event is designated as a "club event" by the Board of Directors, the camp fee will be waived.
Good citizenship
The gliderport is run almost entirely by the volunteer efforts of club members. There is no paid help to cut weeds, run wings, or clean gliders. A member who is pulling his or her weight will do all of the following and more:
- Help keep the runways clear by moving gliders off.
- Run the wing on as many launches as (s)he takes.
- Arrive early for a flight to help out with the operation.
- Critique fellow members about safety issues.
- Help out with the maintenance of the equipment and facility.
Introductory Members
Introductory Members are limited to 3 flights in CSA aircraft while they are Introductory Members.
Updated 01/06/2025
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